Trustees present: Olivia Karis-Nix, Doreen Truesdell, Don McKnight, Faith Schottenfeld, Ryan Mullahy.
Adoption of Agenda: The agenda was adopted by a vote of 5-0.
Public Comment: None.
President’s Report: President Karis-Nix welcomed new board member Ryan Mullahy, who had been sworn in prior to the opening of the meeting. Trustee Schottenfeld is stepping down from the library board effective 19 MAY 14. She announced the annual UHLS dinner. Trustees Karis-Nix and Truesdell, along with Director Peker plan to attend. Reimbursement for the dinners will be paid for out of continuing education portions of the budget. She discussed the results of the 12 MAY 14 village board meeting. During that meeting, members presented the library renovation plan, which was well-received. There was also a discussion of the library taking cognizance over the former village court room on the first floor of the village hall.
Secretary’s Report: The March meeting minutes were adopted with no changes. Approved 5-0.
Director’s Report: The Director provided her report.
Friends Report:
- Barb Kelp thanked all for support for their cocktail party fundraiser.
- The Friends annual meeting is scheduled for 20 MAY 14.
- The Friends are planning for Music in the Town Park, starting 6 JUN14. On 8 JUL 14, the Friends are responsible for the bake sale and 50/50 drawing.
- The Friends are involved in Music in the State Park, which starts on the first Thursday in August.
Committee Reports
- Administrative Committee: Nothing to report.
- Finance Committee/Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Hiser was absent. She had previously submitted the Treasurer’s report. A motion to approve the March and April list of checks and debits was made and approved 5-0.
- Operations/Capital Projects Committee: Presented a revised estimate of renovation. We are still awaiting the estimate for new window shades. Item 25 of the renovation proposal (teen booth) has been changed to a L-shaped banquetter. Vice-president Truesdell confirmed that the “rad”-iators do not need to be covered. The next step for the renovation proposal with Creative Library Concepts is to return the signed proposal, along with a remittance of 1/3 of the estimated cost. We are still awaiting a detailed estimate from the contractor for the other work, Gene Lawlor.
Old Business
- Code of Ethics: Adopted by a vote of 4-1.
- Strategic Planning: Tabled until the June meeting
- Bylaws amendment: Adopted by a vote of 5-0.
- UHLAN Agreement: Tabled until the June meeting
New Business
- Library Logo: A discussion was held on the plans to develop a logo for the library. No vote was taken.
- Committee member updates: Operations and Capital Projects: Karis-Nix & Truesdell; Finance: Hiser & McKnight; Administration: Mullahy & Truesdell.
- Circulation policy: To clarify how persons can pay for fines, etc. Adopted 5-0.
- CASTLETONIAN: The new format for the village newsletter will have a permanent library corner, every quarter.
Announcements: None
Public Comment: None
Meeting adjourned at 2049.