Monday, September 18, 2023 Minutes
Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance
The meeting was called to order by President Mitchum at 7:06 pm.
Roll Call
Present (physical): Shane Mitchum, President; Patrick Cartwright, Vice President; Laurie Knaack, Secretary; Kate Bielawa, Trustee; Melissa Tacke, Library Director
Absent: Colin Strainge, Trustee
Excused: Alyssa Mitchum, Treasurer; Meghan Johnston, Trustee
Adoption of Agenda
The adoption of the agenda was motioned by Trustee Cartwright and seconded by Trustee Knaack. Unanimously approved.
Public Comment
New Business
Library Construction Grant - rear entrance project: Trustee Cartwright motioned to approve the application for the library construction grant. Seconded by Trustee Knaack. Unanimously approved.
Public Comment Policy for Library Board Meetings: Trustee Cartwright motioned to approve the new Public Comment Policy. Seconded by Trustee Bielawa. Unanimously approved.
Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) Policy: Trustees reviewed a draft FOIL policy that will be presented for approval next month.. Discussion included ensuring the timeframes align with NYS law and that the policy must allow the library to charge fees for items such as extensive printing and copying.
Old Business
Village of Castleton - direct funding and in-kind services: Director Tacke summarized discussion at the last VIllage Board meeting, including concerns about the cost of utilities for Sunday building use and the estimated value of in-kind services provided (building space & shared services such as payroll and electricity).
Library word-of-mouth advertising: Director Tacke encouraged trustees to share that the library is accepting gently used Halloween costumes and accessories through Thursday, October 12 to prepare for the Saturday October 14 10am-4pm Free Halloween Costume Giveaway.
President’s Report
No report.
Secretary’s Report
Trustee Cartwright motioned to approve the August 2023 meeting minutes. Seconded by Trustee Bielawa. Unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Trustee Cartwright motioned to approve the August 2023 Check Detail Reports. Seconded by Trustee Knaack. Unanimously approved.
Director’s Report
Director Tacke presented statistics for August, with a comparison against previous years. Summer Reading Program registration was similar to 2022; attendance at in-person summer events increased and returned nearly to 2019 numbers. Additionally, Director Tacke shared the Upper Hudson Library System annual report.
Friends Report
The Friends of the Library completed their raffle in August and held a Music on the Lawn event during the September VIllage-wide garage sale. Their next event will be a takeout pasta dinner held on October 14.
Village of Castleton Liaison Report
No report.
Committee Reports
All committees report plans to meet in late summer or fall.
Finance: did not meet.
Administrative: did not meet.
Operations/Capital Projects: did not meet.
Policy: Met regarding policies and UHLS templates discussed earlier in this meeting.
Long Range Plan Committees: Committees have been updated as follows to reflect the new goals in the 2023-2026 Long Range Plan:
Marketing & Community Connections – P. Cartwright, L. Knaack
Library Services & Outreach – A. Mitchum, S. Mitchum
Library Space – K. Bielawa, C. Strainge, M. Johnston
Director Tacke reminded trustees of dates for upcoming training, including the final session following an abbreviated board meeting on October 16.
Public Comment
Executive Session
The meeting was adjourned at 7:56 pm.

sep2023packet.pdf |