July 2017 Minutes
Monday, July 17, 2017
The meeting was called to order by President Karis-Nix at 6:58 PM
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Present: Olivia Karis-Nix, President; Ryan Mullahy, Vice Present; Nathan Hans, Treasurer; Sarah Niemitalo, Secretary; Zachary Goldstein, Trustee; Mary Claire Aitken, Trustee; Melissa Tacke, Library Director.
Excused: Maria Marcucci, Trustee;
Others in attendance:
Tim Burke – UHLS Executive Director
Adoption of Agenda
Treasurer Hans motioned to adopt the agenda, seconded by Trustee Aitken.
Approved unanimously.
Public Comment: None
President’s Report: None
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer Hans motioned to adopt the June 2017 minutes, seconded by Trustee Aitken.
Approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report
Trustee Aitken motioned to adopt the check detail & Treasurer’s report as submitted. President Karis-Nix seconded.
Approved unanimously.
Director’s Report
Director Tacke reports that CPL reached all CES students for the summer reading program. CPL will receive $3,000 of Bullet Aid from NYS Senator Kathy Marchione.
Friends Report
None. Director Tacke reports that the Friends group hasn’t selected a new president yet. Meetings are happening as planned and there is a lot of enthusiasm. The Friends will be providing refreshment at the Music on the Lawn and Applebee’s fundraisers as planned.
Committee Reports
Finance: None
Administrative: None
Operations: None
Policy: None
Long Range Planning: None
Old Business
Annex Renovation – Director Tacke reports on getting quotes for annex renovation: One quote for $19,000-$21,000 for a top to bottom renovation of the room, floor, walls etc. and an additional $4,200 for the two library doors. A quote for ~$8,000 for A/V equipment for the annex. A request for quote is out for the furniture and cabinets. Tim Burke confirmed this should all be eligible for a construction grant.
Director Tacke talked to the Village Mayor and he is supportive of the renovations. The Board is not planning on renovating the hallway at this time. The board probably needs another quote to meet our financial best practices.
Discussion on whether the library has the cash on hand to start this fall before grant money would be available if awarded. The discussion will be moved to the finance committee to determine what can be done this year and what will have to be postponed until a grant is awarded and money available.
The Board asked Director Tacke to get another quote for a contractor to redo the annex.
Trustee Goldstein motions to authorize Director Tacke to submit the construction grant proposal for the entire annex renovation project to UHLS. Vice President Mullahy seconded. Unanimously approved.
New Business
Long range planning: - Tim Burke presented UHLS’s Creating a long-range plan of service for your Library module and Public Funding Options for Municipal Public Libraries in New York State.
2016 financial review – Postponed to a future meeting
Announcements - None
Public comment - None
Executive Session - None
The meeting was unanimously adjourned around 9:00 pm.