August 2017 Minutes
Monday, August 17, 2017
Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance:
The meeting was called to order by President Karis-Nix at 7:02 pm.
Roll Call: Present: Olivia Karis-Nix, President; Sarah Niemitalo, Secretary; Mary Claire Aitken, Trustee; Zachary Goldstein, Trustee; Nathan Hans, Treasurer; Maria Marcucci, Trustee; Melissa Tacke, Library Director.
Absent: Ryan Mullahy, Vice President.
Adoption of Agenda:
Agenda was adopted upon the motion of Trustee Aitken, seconded by Treasurer Hans.
Public Comment:
President’s Report:
Secretary’s Report:
Trustee Aitken motioned to adopt the July minutes, Treasurer Hans seconded. Unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Hans reports everything is on track. Quotes came in from Frank Palladino for the Annex renovation. Director is still waiting on quotes from Herrington’s (doors) and Wohlberg Electric (lighting fixtures). Grant funds will not come until next summer; CPL may use some of the reserves if the project starts before grant comes in. Trustee Aitken motioned to approve check detail, President Karis-Nix seconded.
New Business
Director Tacke requested a rate increase for Sue Black. Justification includes that a new employee will be hired at $10.50, more than Sue’s current wages. Director asked board to approve increase in wage to $11.00 an hour, effective September. Treasurer Hans motioned to approve, Aitken seconded. Unanimously approved.
Long-Range Planning – Director of UHLS, Timothy Burke, came to help Board come to a decision on goals, objectives, and action steps.
Goals discussed (For more a comprehensive list please see Trustee Goldstein’s notes):
1.Sustainable Funding
a.Publicly approved funding
- May 2020 public funding vote (414 or 259)
- Building public support
- Create an MOU with Friends.
2.Increase and maximize library space
a.Utilize current space more effectively
- Relocating
- Change from desktop computers to laptop
- Using off site spaces
- Increase library hours
c.Explore possibilities for additional space in current building, middle school and other space (Main Street)
d.Satellite Spaces (space for large programs)
4.Community Outreach
- Building/growing/encouraging Friends of Library
- PTA support, etc.
- Building a comprehensive marketing plan:
- Schools
- Community events
- Staffing analysis/study
- Increase
Meeting adjourned upon motion by President Karis-Nix at 8:27 pm.