December 2017 Minutes
Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance: The meeting was called to order by President Karis Nix at 7:05 p.m.
Roll Call: Present: Nathan Hans, Treasurer; Secretary, Trustee; Zachary Goldstein, Trustee; Mary Claire Aitken, Trustee; Melissa Tacke, Library Director, Olivia Karis-Nix, President; Ryan Mullahy, Vice President. Absent: Maria Marcucci, Sarah Niemitalo;
Vice President Mullahy made a motion to acknowledge Sarah’s last board meeting. The board acknowledges Sarah’s service to the board and to the library. She has made many contributions to our board and she will be missed.
Adoption of Agenda: Agenda was adopted by Treasurer Hans and seconded on the motion of Vice President Mullahy. Unanimously approved.
Public Comment: None
President’s Report: In January we will vote on a new slate of officers. The slate proposed is:
President: Olivia Karis-Nix
Vice President: Ryan Mullahy
Treasurer: Nathan Hans
Secretary: Vacant
The board is seeking a suitable candidate for the open board position and the Secretary’s position.
President Karis-Nix has not yet drafted an MOU for the village for use of the annex. The MOU is needed to assure that the space is library space prior to the renovation. Vice President Mullahy offered to draft the MOU.
Secretary’s Report: Trustee Hans motioned to adopt the November minutes and seconded by Trustee Aitken. Passed 4 yes, 1 abstention (Vice President Mullahy not present at prior meeting).
Treasurer’s Report:
Trustee Aitken motioned to approve, President Karis-Nix seconded. Approved unanimously.
Director’s Report: Full report attached. The library’s Thursday morning storytime will change to “Learn & Play Storytime” and will incorporate more early literacy learning techniques like rhymes, songs, and fingerplays. Joelle continues her twice-monthly outreach visits to Castleton Kids. The library is continuing to collaborate with the Schodack Island State Park. The park will upgrade the starting signage for the StoryWalk this spring. Director Tacke is creating a brochure for the park to give to campers about library services. The park is still collaborating with the library on Movie Nights in August and Raptor Fest in May. They do outreach here and do programs for CPL. We have a good relationship.
Friends’ Report: Director Tacke reported on behalf of the Friends. The Barnes & Noble fundraiser went very well; total funds raised was around $2,500 plus $250 for the raffle baskets. They do not have any major fundraisers until spring.
Committee Reports:
Policy Committee – It was suggested the committee perform an annual policy review.
Treasurer Hans asked about tracking hours. The board determined the procedure in place is acceptable.
Sustainable Funding – The committee met and had preliminary discussions about possibilities.
Library Space – The committee will prioritize the annex renovations.
Community Outreach & Visibility – No report.
Old Business:
Library word of mouth advertising – school break week programs.
New Business:
Treasurer Hans motioned to approve pay increases for staff and director for 2018. Vice President seconded. 4 yes. 0 no. 1 abstention (Trustee Goldstein’s Mother-in-Law works at the library).
Trustee Aitken motioned to approve the 2018 budget. Trustee Goldstein seconded. Unanimously approved.
Director Tacke reviewed the 2018 preliminary budget with comparison to 2017 budget amounts and the differences. One major change in 2018 is the addition of a Library Assistant (approx. 11 hours per week) to perform cataloging, programming, collection management, online calendar entry, and other tasks. Director Tacke also proposed increasing the pay rate for the Youth Services Librarian position at a rate of 4%.
Executive Session – None.
Meeting adjourned upon motion by Trustee Aitken at 7:54 pm.