Monday April 20, 2020 Minutes
(Virtual Meeting Held Via Zoom)
Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance: The meeting was called to order by President Mitchum at 7:08 pm.
Roll Call: Present: Shane Mitchum, President; Mary Claire Aitken, Secretary; Laurie Knaack, Trustee; Jacki Griffin, Vice President; Nathan Hans, Treasurer; and Melissa Tacke, Library Director. Excused: Maria Marcucci, Trustee.
Adoption of Agenda: Agenda adopted upon the motion of Vice President Griffin and seconded by Treasurer Hans. Unanimously approved.
Public Comment: None
Old Business: Virtual library programs and resources were discussed.
New Business: The Board reviewed measures informally approved by email on March 16, 2020. Formal approval with a vote was done for the following measures with a motion by Vice President Griffin and seconded by Treasurer Hans:
- Effective 3/16, during the closure, all regular staff will be paid for the hours they were originally scheduled to work. The Director will continue to work in the library, and may work from home as needed using a staff laptop. The Youth Services Librarian will work from home, using a staff laptop; she may also work limited hours in the library on specific projects (for example, inventorying program supplies in the storage area). When we are preparing for reopening, paraprofessional staff (Library Assistant and Library Aides) may be asked to come in to catalog materials, shelve books, run hold reports, etc.
- Effective 3/16, making available the equivalent of an additional 3 weeks paid sick leave (equivalent to the staff member's scheduled hours) temporarily available during this time, to expire on 9/30/20. This would be intended to cover professional staff who will be working their full scheduled hours during the closure (Director and Librarian I), and all staff after reopening as the virus begins to ebb but new cases may still be occurring. This would be to cover coronavirus-related illness, suspected illness, quarantine (if after the library is reopened), or to offer paid leave when a doctor recommends staying home. This is to help our staff as they deal with any coronavirus-related illness without having to use their accrued sick time or vacation time.
- Effective 3/16, and to remain in effect for the duration of the closure, to temporarily adjust check signing policies to allow one signature to sign checks $250 and over, and to authorize the Director to sign any checks $250 and over after written approval from President or Treasurer is obtained; Director will send a scan of vouchers/invoices for approval to the President and Treasurer via email and will attach their approval to the voucher and invoice to keep a paper trail of all approvals. These temporary adjustments to the policy would expire after the library is reopened to the public.
- Effective 3/16, empowering the Director to purchase additional digital materials, with the Director using her discretion as to which other line items funds will be pulled from.
- To approve the Library Service in Unusual Health Situations draft policy.
All measures were unanimously approved.
President’s Report: None.
Secretary’s Report: Vice President Griffin motioned to approve the February 2020 meeting minutes. Seconded by Treasurer Hans. Unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Vice President Griffin motioned to approve the February and March 2020 Check Detail Reports. Seconded by Secretary Aitken. Unanimously approved.
Director’s Report: Director Tacke presented her monthly report for March 2020. She discussed the statistics and the changes in volume due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The usage of the wifi hotspots was reviewed.
Friends Report: None.
Committee Reports: None.
Announcements: None.
Public Comment: None.
Executive Session: None.
The meeting was adjourned upon motion by Vice President Griffin and seconded by Secretary Aitken at 7:37 pm.

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