Monday, April 18, 2022 Minutes
Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance
The meeting was called to order by President Mitchum at 7:05 pm.
Roll Call
Present: Shane Mitchum, President; Patrick Cartwright, Vice President; Laurie Knaack,
Secretary; Alyssa Mitchum, Treasurer; Colin Strainge, Trustee;
Kate Bielawa, Trustee; Melissa Tacke, Library Director
Adoption of Agenda
The adoption of the agenda was motioned by Trustee Cartwright and seconded by Trustee Knaack. Unanimously approved.
Public Comment
New Business
- New Hire - Library Assistant: Trustee Cartwright motioned to approve the hiring of Kate Shannon at the Library Assistant rate. Trustee Knaack seconded. Unanimously approved.
- Trustee education requirements beginning 2023: two hours of training, specifically related to Trustee role and from providers approved by the NYS Division of Library Development, will be required annually for each trustee beginning in 2023. The board will need to keep records of such training. This topic will be revisited as more information becomes available.
Old Business
- Word of mouth advertising: Director Tacke presented the May event calendar and highlighted for the board that two weekly in-person children’s storytimes have returned.
- Reopening process: More in-person programming returns in May with fewer drop-in activities and more synchronous activities. Mask requirements remain aligned to COVID-19 community levels with masks required only when community level is High. Community room reservations are now permitted.
President’s Report
No report.
Secretary’s Report
Trustee Cartwright motioned to approve the March 2022 meeting minutes. Seconded by Trustee Strainge. Unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Trustee Cartwright motioned to approve the March 2022 Check Detail Reports. Seconded by Trustee Knaack. Unanimously approved.
Director’s Report
The director reviewed with the board statistics for visitation and circulation in March, and comparison between 2022, 2021, 2020. Note that all comparisons now represent months affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Friends Report
The Friends of the Library held a breakfast fundraiser and has begun a membership drive.
Committee Reports
- Finance: met; discussed planning for budget submission to town of Schodack in August 2022.
- Administrative: met; planning to set up administrative calendar to aid the board in annual activities.
- Operations/Capital Projects: planning next meeting.
- Policy: no report; will resume in May to align with reviewing policies annually.
- Sustainable Funding: met; discussed funding options and considering whether school board vote method may be an option in 2023. Director Tacke is working to schedule Tim Burke of UHLS to present at an upcoming board meeting, focused on the school board vote option and planning out what preparation would be needed.
- Library Space: Director Tacke plans to meet again with Village mayor and Village board member(s) to discuss potential permanent outdoor space for Library and Village use in front of the building.
- Community Outreach & Visibility: will meet again for brainstorming and welcomes further ideas.
Public Comment
Executive Session
The meeting was adjourned at 7:34pm.

april2022packet.pdf |