Monday, May 21, 2018
Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance: The meeting was called to order by President Karis-Nix at 7:05 pm.
Roll Call: Present: Nathan Hans, Treasurer; Zachary Goldstein, Trustee; Mary Claire Aitken, Trustee; Olivia Karis-Nix, President; Maria Marcucci, Trustee; Jacquelin Griffin, Trustee; and Melissa Tacke, Library Director.
Adoption of Agenda: Agenda adopted on the motion of President Karis-Nix and seconded by Treasurer Hans.
Public Comment: None
President’s Report: None
Secretary’s Report: Treasurer Hans motioned to approve the April 2018 meeting minutes. Seconded by President Karis-Nix. Unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report: President Karis-Nix motioned to approve the April 2018 Check Detail Report. Seconded by Trustee Griffin. Unanimously approved.
Director’s Report: Director Tacke presented her monthly report. Rensselaer County funds were received at the end of April 2018. The Director participated in a webinar from the American Library Association. The Summer Reading Program will be presented next month.
Friends’ Report: None
Committee Reports:
Administrative Committee: None
Finance Committee: None
Operations/Capital Projects Committee: None
Policy Committee: See Old Business
Long Range Plan Committees: The Sustainable Funding Committee discussed the need to stabilize sustainable funding. The Community Outreach and Visibility Committee again discussed improving library visibility with Board members by attending Local Government meetings and attending community events. The Director will provide calendars of events and resources for this endeavor.
Old Business: The Board discussed the Lease Agreement with the intention to formalize the Lease.
New Business – Policy Review:
The policies were reviewed and discussed. The following was determined:
Personnel Policy: Treasurer Hans motioned to approve and seconded by Trustee Goldstein. Unanimously approved.
Financial Policy: Treasurer Hans motioned to approve and seconded by Trustee Griffin. Unanimously approved.
Remaining Policies: Treasurer Hans motioned to approve and seconded by Trustee Goldstein. Unanimously approved.
Announcements: The UHLS dinner will be held June 19, 2018 for those who wish to attend.
Public Comment: None
Executive Session: None
Meeting adjourned upon motion by President Karis-Nix and seconded by Treasurer Hans at 8:20 pm.