Monday, March 20, 2023 Minutes
Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance
The meeting was called to order by President Mitchum at 7:02 pm.
Roll Call
Present (physical): Shane Mitchum, President; Patrick Cartwright, Vice President; Alyssa Mitchum, Treasurer; Laurie Knaack, Secretary; Kate Bielawa, Trustee; Colin Strainge, Trustee; Meghan Johnston, Trustee; Melissa Tacke, Library Director
Absent: none
Adoption of Agenda
The adoption of the agenda was motioned by Trustee Cartwright and seconded by Trustee Knaack. Unanimously approved.
Public Comment
Village of Castleton board member Lissa D’Aquanni attended in person, reminded trustees that Village board elections are March 21, and that there is a food drive for the Anchor food pantry March 25.
New Business - None.
Old Business
Trustee continuing education: Director Tacke is working with UHLS to schedule 3 sessions of training that will be held onsite at the Village Hall in 2023 and will satisfy the annual continuing ed. requirement for trustees.
Sustainable funding: Director Tacke attended the March Schodack School Board meeting and discussed the sustainable funding vote. Director Tacke also shared with the library trustees the Library Funding Proposition Q&A that has been reviewed by Upper Hudson.
Long-range planning: Trustees reviewed and discussed feedback from community surveys, a UHLS focus group, and staff. Trustees will continue to discuss at the April board meeting and plan towards having a draft Long Range Plan by May in order to potentially obtain review from Tim Burke of UHLS in May.
Library word-of-mouth advertising: Director Tacke encouraged trustees to spread the word about the many school break activities (Friday, April 7 through Saturday, April 15).
President’s Report
No report.
Secretary’s Report
Trustee Cartwright motioned to approve the February 2023 regular meeting minutes. Seconded by Trustee Johnston. Unanimously approved.
Trustee Cartwright motioned to approve the February 2023 Special Meeting minutes. Seconded by Trustee Strainge. Unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Funding from the town of Schodack and Friends of the Library has been received for this year. Trustee Cartwright motioned to approve the February 2023 Check Detail Reports. Seconded by Trustee Knaack. Unanimously approved.
Director’s Report
Director Tacke presented statistics for February, with a comparison against previous years. In-person attendance has continued to rise compared with the earlier years of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Friends Report
The Friends of the Library has established their 2023 schedule of events and sent out their March membership drive mailings. A well-attended breakfast fundraiser was held on March 18.
Committee Reports
Finance: did not meet.
Administrative: did not meet.
Operations/Capital Projects: did not meet.
Policy: did not meet.
Sustainable Funding: Updates included above.
Library Space: will plan to meet again after sustainable funding vote.
Community Outreach & Visibility: did not meet.
Announcements - None.
Public Comment - None.
Executive Session - None.
Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 8:03 pm.
mar2023packet.pdf |