Monday, June 21, 2021 Minutes
Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance: The meeting was called to order by President Mitchum at 7:08 pm.
Roll Call: Present: Shane Mitchum, President; Alyssa Mitchum, Treasurer; Laurie Knaack, Trustee; Patrick Cartwright, Trustee; Kendra Rubin, Trustee; and Melissa Tacke, Library Director. Excused: Mary Claire Aitken, Secretary. Absent: Jacki Griffin, Vice President.
Adoption of Agenda: The adoption of the agenda was motioned by Trustee Knaack and seconded by Treasurer Mitchum. Unanimously approved.
Public Comment: None.
New Business:
An addendum to the Reopening Plan was discussed. Masks are required for everyone over two years of age inside the library. Masks are now no longer required during outdoor activities. This is in line with NYS and CDC guidance and is in line with the Schodack Central School District. Trustee Knaack motioned to approve the addendum to the Reopening Plan. Treasurer Mitchum seconded. Unanimously approved.
There was a revision to the Code of Ethics. A disclosure of interest section was added. Trustee Knaack motioned to approve the revised Code of Ethics. Treasurer Mitchum seconded. Unanimously approved.
There was a discussion about the Library Closure policy. A minor update was added to share information will be posted for closing updates in addition to the website and social media. Trustee Knaack motioned to approve the revised Library Closure Policy. Treasurer Mitchum seconded. Unanimously approved.
The Disaster Plan was discussed. A Disaster Team was assigned. Two additional roles were needed. Trustee Knaack and Trustee Rubin volunteered. Director Tacke will provide updated copies of the Disaster Plan to the team.
The Open Meetings Law was reviewed. The Governor keeps pushing out the date to resume in-person meetings. The board discussed whether meet in person before required by law or to continue to meet virtually. Excused board members will need to provide opinions. Director Tacke will email the Board with changes.
Old Business: Library programs were discussed, including the Summer Reading Club. Copies of the program were sent home with students K-8 in the Schodack Central School District. Registration can occur all summer long. T. Scandurra from the Friends offered a tent for all the outdoor events which was approved by the Village Board. The reopening process was further discussed. More furniture will be moved back. The capacity limit will be removed along with time limits. Director Tacke will monitor COVID-19 metrics and other libraries’ progress toward fully reopening.
President’s Report: None.
Secretary’s Report: Trustee Knaack motioned to approve the May 2021 meeting minutes and transcript. Treasurer Mitchum seconded. Unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report: The May 2021 Check Detail was reviewed. Trustee Knaack motioned to approve the May 2021 Check Detail Report. Seconded by Treasurer Mitchum. Unanimously approved.
Director’s Report: Director Tacke presented her monthly report for May 2021. The library was closed to the public for May 2020. June 2021 should provide a more apples-to-apples comparison, as library service in the building resumed in June 2020.
Friends Report: The Music on the Lawn bake sales went well. Updates will be provided next month.
Committee Reports:
Finance Committee and Sustainable Funding Committee have not met, but will meet soon.
Policy Committee met to review the policy changes proposed for approval at tonight’s meeting. The committee will meet again later this month to complete the policy review.
Community Outreach and Visibility Committee did not meet, but Director Tacke reminded trustees about volunteering to give a public comment about the library at Schodack Town Board meetings. Trustee Rubin volunteered to give the public comment at the July Town Board meeting.
Announcements: None.
Public Comment: None.
Executive Session: None.
Trustee Knaack motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Treasurer Mitchum. Unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 p.m.

june2021packet.pdf |