June 2017 Minutes
Monday, June 19, 2017
Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance:
The meeting was called to order by Treasurer Hans at 7:01 p.m.
Roll Call:
Present: Olivia Karis-Nix, President; Sarah Niemitalo, Secretary; Mary Claire Aitken, Trustee; Zachary Goldstein, Trustee; Nathan Hans, Treasurer, and Melissa Tacke, Library Director. Absent: Maria Marcucci, Trustee; Ryan Mullahy, Vice President. Public attendee: Village of Castleton Liaison Marianne Carner.
Adoption of Agenda:
Treasurer Hans asked to add the school budget vote to the agenda for old business. The agenda was adopted upon the motion of Trustee Hans, seconded by Trustee Goldstein. Unanimously approved.
Public Comment: None.
President’s Report: None.
Secretary’s Report: Trustee Aitken motioned to approve the May minutes, Treasurer Hans seconded. Unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Trustee Aitken motioned to adopt the check detail, Secretary Niemitalo seconded. Unanimously approved. Director Tacke reviewed the surplus. She mentioned there were a few items she changed to zero on the budget because they ended up being donated—examples: the fishing poles, iPad. $4,000 for the renovations had been included in the initial surplus spend down; as the library moves forward with renovation of the annex space, some additional surplus funds may need to be earmarked for renovation expenses.
Director’s Report: Library usage numbers continue to go up. The summer reading program will be kicking off June 23. Last year’s Summer Reading survey showed that half of the parents liked checking in and half wanted to do it at the end of the summer, so this year’s reading record gives parents both options. Kids earn raffle tickets through the reading program and can win various prizes. The finale party is on August 18. Director Tacke reports that it seems that there is a correlation between library usage going up and the distribution of the survey. It is possible that the survey distributed for the long-range plan could have created more community awareness of the library. Trustee Goldstein asked if there was a way to capture the amount of people that use the wi-fi connection outside of the library. Director Tacke states that by 2018 we will be able to accurately measure that usage as the new Meraki router will be installed (UHLS will order/install for us in fall 2017).
Friends Report:
President Barbara Kelp has stepped down from her office. A new President of the Friends of CPL has not yet been elected.
Committee Reports:
Finance committee – nothing to report
Administrative committee—dormant
Operations/Capital project--dormant
Policy committee—Nothing to report
Long range planning committee—August 21 is the current date set for completion. The board discussed having the Director of UHLS, Tim Burke review his module (90 min) for long range planning at the next board meeting (7/17/17). Trustee Goldstein suggested coming up with three goals at tonight’s meeting and to use the August meeting to finalize the document. The board ultimately felt that we needed more time to review the survey results so that effective goals could be set. Director Tacke suggested using July’s board meeting to have Tim review his module and have more in-depth discussions about goals, etc. at that meeting or at the August meeting. Trustee Goldstein will email Tim Burke to see if he is available to present at July’s meeting and to see if he can do a condensed, shorter version. If Tim is not available, the board agrees to move ahead with the discussion and will identify its goals at July’s meeting.
Old Business:
Treasurer Hans wanted to see how board feels about going to a school board vote for more funding. The Board wanted more time to make sure the School District would be in agreement with the Library’s decision. Director Tacke has concerns about what the results would be at this point. She would prefer a two-to-three year goal so that it is more likely to be successful. Based on the survey results, she feels that there are still too many people that aren’t aware of the library or don’t have a favorable opinion. President Karis-Nix wanted to know what it will mean for the board; how much of a time commitment it will require, and what resources it will entail. She asked that he do research and possibly provide training to the other board members about what we would need to do to build our brand.
Word of mouth: Summer Reading Program
New Business:
The library will apply for a NYS Library Construction Grant to renovate the Library Annex. The Construction Grant can cover up to 50% of costs; if there is enough funding available within the UHLS service area, the library could receive a grant up to 75% of expenses. Director Tacke would like to use funds renovate the Library Annex to serve as a multi-purpose room (smart meeting room, programming space, local history space, and staff area). Other possible improvements (not necessarily for the coming year) are replacement of the library’s interior doors, renovation of hallway and installation of lighted glass cabinets for art display, installation of a water fountain, and renovation of the restroom. The deadline for this application to UHLS is September 1; some documents may be outstanding at that time. The application must be completely finalized by October 1, when UHLS submits it to NYS. Final award determinations will not be made until April 2018. We would not see those funds until August 2018. Trustee Goldstein suggests looking at utilizing some of surplus on renovations before the Annex’s final determination.
Announcements: None.
Public Comment: Treasurer Hans states that the Main Street Association is hosting a Downtown Main Street Day on Saturday, September 9.
Executive Session
Meeting adjourned upon motion by President Karis-Nix at 7:56pm.