Monday July 15, 2019 Minutes
Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance: The meeting was called to order by President Karis-Nix at 7:02 pm.
Roll Call: Present: Olivia Karis-Nix, President; Jacki Griffin, Vice President; Mary Claire Aitken, Secretary; Nathan Hans, Treasurer; Maria Marcucci, Trustee; Jillian Farrell, Trustee; and Melissa Tacke, Library Director. Absent: Shane Mitchum, Trustee.
Adoption of Agenda: Agenda adopted upon motion of Treasurer Hans and seconded by Vice President Griffin. Unanimously approved.
Public Comment: None
Old Business: Library programs were discussed.
New Business: None
President’s Report: None
Secretary’s Report: Trustee Marcucci motioned to approve the June 2019 meeting minutes. Seconded by Treasurer Hans. Unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report: President Karis-Nix motioned to approve the June 2019 Check Detail Reports. Seconded by Vice President Griffin. Unanimously approved.
Director’s Report: Director Tacke presented her monthly report for July 2019. The Summer Reading Program was reviewed. Class field trips and camp visits were noted.
Friends Report: None
Committee Reports: The Finance Committee had a preliminary budget meeting and presented the action items for the Director to request from the Town of Schodack. This budget will be finalized prior to the end of July 2019.
Announcements: None
Executive Session: An Executive Session was held to discuss staff compensation.
The meeting was adjourned upon motion by Treasurer Hans and seconded by Trustee Marcucci at 7:45pm.

july2019packet.pdf |

summerreadingguide2019.pdf |