JANUARY 2018 Minutes
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance:
The meeting was called to order by President Karis-Nix at 7:10 p.m.
Roll Call: Present: Olivia Karis-Nix, President; Ryan Mullahy, Vice President; Maria Marcucci, Trustee; Mary Claire Aitken, Trustee; and Melissa Tacke, Library Director. Absent: Nathan Hans, Treasurer; Zack Goldstein; Trustee
Adoption of Agenda:
The agenda was adopted upon the motion of Trustee Aitken, seconded by Trustee Marcucci. The agenda, as amended, was approved 4-0.
Public Comment:
President’s Report:
Secretary’s Report:
No changes were made to the December 18, 2017 meeting minutes. Trustee Aitken motioned to adopt; Trustee Marcucci seconded. Approved 4-0.
Treasurer’s Report:
President Nix presented the Treasurer’s Report in Treasurer Hans’ absence.
Trustee Aitken motioned to approve the Check Detail report; Trustee Marcucci seconded. Approved 4-0.
Director’s Report:
Director Tacke presented her monthly report which reflected a comparison of various library statistics and data between 2017 and previous years. The report reflected a 15% increase in overall circulation during the period of time in question as well as an increase in the number of cardholders. In addition the report reflected an increase of 26% in total program attendance for the period of time in question.
Friends Report:
Committee Reports:
Administrative Committee- None.
Finance Committee—None.
Operations/Capital Projects Committee— None.
Policy Committee: The Board discussed the need for a complete review of its current policies, to be undertaken on an annual basis. Vice-President Mullahy requested electronic copies of the Library’s policies to facilitate such a review.
Old Business
The Board agreed to make efforts to support the Community Blood Drive to be held on February 8, 2018.
New Business
The Board installed its slate of Officers for the 2018 fiscal year.
The Board agreed to discuss its self-evaluation at the February meeting in order to have the greatest number of trustees present.
Public Comment
Executive Session
Meeting adjourned upon motion by President Karis-Nix and Vice-President Mullahy at 8:01 p.m.