Tuesday, February 21, 2023 Minutes
Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance
The meeting was called to order by President Mitchum at 7:00 pm.
Roll Call
Present: Shane Mitchum, President; Patrick Cartwright, Vice President; Alyssa Mitchum, Treasurer; Laurie Knaack, Secretary; Kate Bielawa, Trustee; Colin Strainge, Trustee; Meghan Johnston, Trustee; Melissa Tacke, Library Director
Absent: none
Adoption of Agenda
The adoption of the agenda was motioned by Trustee Cartwright and seconded by Trustee Knaack. Unanimously approved.
Public Comment
Village of Castleton board member Lissa D’Aquanni attended virtually, shared that Village board elections are March 21, and encouraged all Village residents to vote.
New Business
Annual Report to the Community: Director Tacke presented the one-page annual report for sharing with the community. The adoption of the 2022 Annual Report to the Community was motioned by Trustee Cartwright and seconded by Trustee Knaack. Unanimously approved.
New York State Annual Report: The adoption of the NYS Annual Report for 2022 was motioned by Trustee Cartwright and seconded by Trustee Knaack. Unanimously approved.
Annual Update Document for 2022: The board reviewed annual financial update documents.
Old Business
Sustainable funding: Director Tacke has discussed the Section 259 vote plan with the town supervisor, village mayor, and school district superintendent, and gave public comment at the most recent school board meeting; will formally put a letter in front of the board of education at their March meeting.
Sustainable funding Resolution: Approval of a resolution to place a proposition to fund the Castleton Public Library on the May 2023 Schodack Central School District Ballot was motioned by Trustee Cartwright and seconded by Trustee Knaack. Unanimously approved. [Note: wording of the resolution was supplanted by a revised version passed at the 3/3/23 special meeting]
Long-range planning: Over 200 responses to the public survey were received. Upper Hudson also facilitated a focus group on February 15 on behalf of our library. Further detail will be shared with trustees soon.
Trustee continuing education: Trustees communicated availability to Director Tacke and she will work with UHLS on scheduling the racial equity training that will satisfy the continuing education requirement for 2023.
Library word-of-mouth advertising: Director Tacke encouraged trustees to spread the word about the late March Paint & Punch evening event for older teens and adults.
President’s Report
Included with sustainable funding report above.
Secretary’s Report
Trustee Cartwright motioned to approve the January 2023 meeting minutes. Seconded by Trustee A. Mitchum. Unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report
The library received NYS Education Bullet Aid of $25,000 which is now shown in the financial statements. Trustee Cartwright motioned to approve the January 2023 Check Detail Reports. Seconded by Trustee Knaack. Unanimously approved.
Director’s Report
Director Tacke presented statistics for January, with a comparison against previous years. Compared with intense distribution of kits during the earlier part of the COVID-19 pandemic, kit/prerecorded attendance has decreased; circulation and physical attendance continue to increase.
Friends Report
The Friends of CPL have established their 2023 schedule of events. March will be their membership drive.
Committee Reports
Finance: no report.
Administrative: did not meet.
Operations/Capital Projects: did not meet.
Policy: did not meet. Trustee Johnston will join this committee.
Sustainable Funding: Updates included above. On track for vote in May 2023 for funding that would go into effect for the 2024 budget.
Library Space: met and will plan to meet again after sustainable funding vote.
Community Outreach & Visibility: did not meet.
Public Comment
Executive Session
The meeting was adjourned at 7:41 pm.
Addendum to February Castleton Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Friday, March 3, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order by President Mitchum at 5:04 pm.
Roll Call
Present: Shane Mitchum, President; Patrick Cartwright, Vice President; Alyssa Mitchum, Treasurer; Laurie Knaack, Secretary; Kate Bielawa, Trustee; Meghan Johnston, Trustee; Melissa Tacke, Library Director
Absent: Colin Strainge, Trustee
Sustainable Funding Proposition
Trustees met on Friday, March 3, 2023 to approve a revision to the wording of the proposed resolution that had previously been approved at the February board meeting.
The Board of Trustees accepted signatures collected by the Friends of the Library, as required by Section 259 of New York State Education Law, from 28 registered voters in the school district who are in support of placing this proposition on the ballot. The collected signatures will be provided, along with a letter requesting the ballot measure, to the Schodack Central School District Superintendent and Board of Education.
Approval of the Resolution below was motioned by Trustee Cartwright and seconded by Trustee Johnston. Unanimously approved.
Resolution to Place a Proposition to Fund the Castleton Public Library on the May 2023 Schodack Central School District Ballot
The Trustees of the Castleton Public Library respectfully request that, pursuant to Section 259 of New York State Education Law, the Schodack Central School District Board of Education place the following proposition before the voters at the next (May 16, 2023) School District election:
"Resolved, that pursuant to Education Law, Section 259, the Board of Education of the Schodack Central School District is authorized to levy and collect an annual tax, separate and apart from the annual school district budget, in the amount of one hundred fifty-nine thousand dollars ($159,000), which shall be paid to the Castleton Public Library for the support and maintenance of the library; with this appropriated amount to be the annual appropriation until thereafter modified by a future vote of the electors of the Schodack Central School District."
The meeting was adjourned at 5:08 pm.
feb2023packet.pdf |