Tuesday, February 22, 2022 Minutes
Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance
The meeting was called to order by President Mitchum at 7:02 pm.
Roll Call
Present: None physically (fully virtual meeting)
Attending Virtually: Shane Mitchum, President; Alyssa Mitchum, Treasurer; Patrick Cartwright, Vice President; Laurie Knaack, Secretary; Kendra Rubin, Trustee; Colin Strainge, Trustee; Kate Bielawa, Trustee; Melissa Tacke, Library Director
Excused: None
Adoption of Agenda
The adoption of the agenda was motioned by Trustee Cartwright and seconded by Trustee Knaack. Unanimously approved.
Public Comment
Village of Castleton-on-Hudson Board member Lissa D’Aquanni in attendance informed the board and encouraged publicizing a February 28th physical and virtual Village meeting about the recent tree inventory and recommendations, and Hudson River riverfront access.
New Business
Trustee Cartwright motioned to approve the hire of Eric Michael Stewart as Library Aide. Trustee Knaack seconded. Unanimously approved.
Old Business
The Board discussed upcoming programming. Director Tacke brought to the board’s attention the afternoon and after-dinner book clubs for adults and highlighted programming that provides an opportunity to meet in person.
Reopening process:
Director Tacke plans to put library staff workspace back in order to have all staff working at the front desk (had previously been split with staff members physically distancing from each other).
The mask mandate in New York State has been dropped but the library and Village Hall continue to monitor local status before making changes.
[Note as of preparation of these minutes: change in mask guidance was later discussed over email with the board who did not express any concerns with Director Tacke’s adjustment of the library’s policy to align with CDC recommendations in early March 2022 to require masks for staff and visitors only when local COVID-19 level is High.]
President’s Report
Board and director evaluations will be compiled for the next meeting.
Secretary’s Report
Trustee Cartwright motioned to approve the January 2022 meeting minutes. Seconded by Trustee Bielawa. Unanimously approved.
Trustee Cartwright motioned to approve the January 2022 meeting transcript. Seconded by Trustee Bielawa. Unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Withdrawal of NYS Retirement funds from late 2021 continues to have delays; the director is working with the village treasurer to reconcile this and it is expected to be withdrawn in March.
Trustee Cartwright motioned to approve the January 2022 Check Detail Reports. Seconded by Trustee Knaack. Unanimously approved.
Director’s Report
The director reviewed statistics for visitation and circulation.
In light of a number of recent instances across the nation where library users have had a complaint or concern with materials, Director Tacke is preparing to give staff a refresher on the complaint form and response to book challenges.
Friends Report
The Friends of the Library group’s fundraising calendar of events will be released soon and the director will share it with the board when available.
Committee Reports
Policy committee will resume later in spring to align with reviewing policies annually. Other committees have no report at this time and all are planning to schedule soon.
Annual financial review and annual report to NYS will be in the next board packet.
Next meeting is planned to be in person as fully virtual meetings were permitted while the NYS State of Emergency was in effect, and it is expected to expire before the next meeting. Open meetings law does now permit hybrid virtual/physical meetings without publishing home addresses, so if this is needed the library will be available as a location for people to join the meeting physically or virtually.
Public Comment
Executive Session
The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm.

feb2022boardpacket.pdf |