Trustees present: Olivia Karis-Nix, Don McKnight, Doreen Truesdell, Ryan Mullahy.
Adoption of Agenda: There were no changes to the proposed meeting agenda. President Karis-Nix motioned to adopt. Seconded by Trustee McKnight. Approved 4-0.
Public Comment: There was no public comment.
President’s Report: After meeting with other Rensselaer County library directors, Castleton Director Amy Peker, East Greenbush Director Evelyn Butrico and Nassau Director Katherine Chansky have prepared a letter proposing the county’s libraries collaborate to hire an independent consultant to assess library service in Rensselaer County with the objective of determining the most efficient way to fund our libraries and meet state mandates. The Castleton Board reviewed and commented favorably. No action was taken. The letter will be presented to the boards of all of the libraries in Rensselaer County for feedback. See attached enclosure (1).
Secretary’s Report: Vice President Truesdell motioned to adopt the May minutes with no changes. Trustee Mullahy seconded. Approved 4-0.
Director’s Report: See enclosure (2). There were two additions to the director’s report. The first was a personnel memorandum announcing the resignation of Library Aide Brian Condon, effective May 31, 2014. See enclosure (3). Director Peker recommended hiring for the position of Substitute Library Aide at $9.50 per hour. President Karis-Nix motioned to approve hiring for the position. Trustee McKnight seconded. Approved 4-0. The second addition was a purchase request for a receipt printer at a cost capped at $450. See enclosure (4). The receipt printer would improve work-flow and staff efficiency while better serving our patrons, who are requesting printed receipts. It would be used to print check-out slips and in-transit slips instead of handwritten versions, which can contain errors. The funding would come from the $8,026 expenditure the board approved in March 2013 for improved library technology, of which there is a $700 balance. The request was tabled.
Friends Report: None.
Committee Reports:
- Administrative Committee- There was no report. Trustee Mullahy offered his professional expertise to Director Peker in any matters pertaining to the Rensselaer County Civil Service Department and labor issues.
- Finance Committee/Treasurer’s Report— Trustee McKnight motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report and approve the attached list of checks and debits. Seconded by President Karis-Nix. Approved 4-0. See enclosure (5).
- Operations/Capital Projects Committee— President Karis-Nix motioned to approve a $90,000 capped budget for the library’s renovation project. Vice President McKnight seconded. Approved 4-0.
- Strategic Planning— Trustee McKnight raised a discussion about Weakness #3 listed in the proposed Strategic Plan. See enclosure (6). He said the weakness was not supported by the library’s recent public survey. Director Peker said that not all of the Strategic Plan is drawn from public input, that staff and director input was appropriate as well. After further discussion it was decided to leave the document as is. Trustee McKnight motioned to adopt the Strategic Plan. Seconded by President Karis-Nix. Approved 4-0.
- UHLAN Agreement— See enclosure (7). President Karis-Nix motioned to approve the UHLAN Agreement. Seconded by Vice President Truesdell. Approved 4-0.
Announcements: Director Peker announced the Castleton Village Board has chosen a new health insurance plan for its full-time employees. See enclosure (8).
Public Comment: None
Executive Session: None
Meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m.
Board Packet June 16, 2014