In attendance: Olivia Karis-Nix – President; Doreen Truesdell – Vice President – arrived later; Janet Hiser - Treasurer; Ryan Mullahy - Trustee; Margie Harris - Trustee; Don McKnight – Trustee - excused; Amy Peker – Library Director
Meeting called to order at 7:05.
Adoption of Agenda: President Karis-Nix made a motion to approve the proposed agenda. Seconded by Trustee Mullahy. None opposed. All in favor. Approved 4-0.
Public Comment: President Karis-Nix welcomed guest Nathan Hans to the meeting. Nathan is the President of the Friends of the East Greenbush Community Library.
President’s Report: President Karis-Nix announced that she is expecting a baby in March and will continue to attend meetings before and after the baby is born. Congratulations were expressed all around.
Secretary’s Report: President Karis-Nix made a motion to adopt the minutes of the meeting from July 24th with no changes. Seconded by Trustee Harris. None opposed. All in favor. Approved 4-0.
Director’s Report: The books and materials have been cleared from the library and stored in an off-site POD. Insurance is in place to cover any damage to the materials while they are in storage.
Director Peker has submitted an application through the Upper Hudson Library System (UHLS) for a New York State Construction grant for supplemental funds. The circulation desk, ceiling work and lighting were included in the request for supplemental construction funding. A specific amount has not been calculated and the funds would be dispersed by UHLS. The application cannot be submitted to New York State without the library board’s approval, and after a discussion, President Karis-Nix requested a copy of the grant to insure that the funding is supplemental and not specifically tagged for the work listed in the grant. She also requested copies of the e-mail correspondence between Director Peker and Tim Burke at UHLS. President Karis-Nix will email copies of the grant and correspondence from UHLS to all trustees when they are received.
Natalie Schipano submitted her resignation effective September 2, 2014. President Karis-Nix made a motion to accept her resignation. Seconded by Trustee Hiser. None opposed. All in favor. Approved 4-0.
Director Peker requested $400.00 to cover the cost of a receipt printer. Trustee Hiser requested clarification that the money approved would be a capital outlay. Money would be withdrawn from the money market account and would be considered additional funds added to the budget. President Karis-Nix made a motion to approve up to $400.00 for a receipt printer. Seconded by Trustee Hiser. None opposed. All in favor. Approved 4-0.
Trustee Truesdell joined the meeting.
Friends Report: The Friends will be at the Schodack Island State Park (SISP) Fall Festival on Saturday, October 4 from 12-5.
Committee Reports:
- Administrative Committee: There was discussion about writing up a Memorandum of Understanding with the Village of Castleton and what to include in it. Presently, the Village of Castleton holds the payroll account for the library. It needs a Memorandum of Understanding to give the library access to their payroll account. Director Peker and Trustee Hiser are both signers on the account but only Director Peker has online access to view the payroll account. Trustee Hiser recommended that Trustee Mullahy and Director Peker meet and work on a Memorandum.
- Finance Committee: Trustee Hiser motioned to approve the monthly check detail. President Karis-Nix seconded. None opposed. All in favor Approved 5-0.
- Operations/Capital projects: Trustee Hiser reported that bills submitted have been what was expected and planned. President Karis-Nix announced that contracting work begins tomorrow. Trustee Truesdell reported that shelving is being dismantled and will be cleared from the library this evening.
Old Business: Discussion of a library logo was tabled.
New Business: None.
Announcements: None.
Public Comment: None.
Executive Session: None.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40.