December 15, 2014
In attendance:
Olivia Karis-Nix - President
Doreen Truesdell- Vice President
Janet Hiser - Treasurer
Ryan Mullahy - Trustee
Margie Harris - Trustee
Don McKnight - Trustee
Nathan Hans - Trustee
Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance: Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m.; the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Adoption of Agenda: Trustee Hiser offered a motion, seconded by Trustee Karis-Nix, to adopt the agenda for the meeting. Motion approved unanimously.
Public Comment: None.
President’s Report: President Karis-Nix reported that Trustee Hans had conducted research on the Library’s funding. President Karis-Nix requested that Trustee Hans discuss his findings. Trustee Hans reported that the Library’s funding was provided by the Town of Schodack and the Village of Castleton on an annual basis, without any guarantees regarding the amount of funding to be provided from one year to the next. Trustee Hans suggested that the Board seek to increase its annual funding from the Village of Castleton. President Karis-Nix suggested that the topic be revisited after the search for a new Library Director has been completed, and a new Director has been put in place.
Secretary’s Report: The minutes from the Board’s October, 2014 meeting were reviewed. Trustee Hans offered a motion, seconded by Trustee Harris, that the October, 2014 minutes be approved. Motion was approved unanimously.
Director’s Report: No report.
Friends Report: Barb Kelp of the Friends of the Castleton Public Library reported that their annual Barns & Noble fundraiser too place on November 22, 2014, at which $2,100.00 was raised to benefit the Library. Ms. Kelp reported that this amount was down from last year. The Friends have scheduled a breakfast fundraiser for early February, 2015, in conjunction with the Applebees restaurant. Ms. Kelp also discussed the Schodack Island Winterfest, scheduled to take place in January, 2015, and expressed her desire to see the State Park and the Library work together for their mutual benefit. Ms. Kelp indicated that the Park Manager has expressed interest in such collaboration.
Committee Reports:
Administrative Committee: The stipend for the interim-Library Director was discussed. President Karis-Nix reported that Pamela Smith was performing the duties of interim-Library Director while the search for a full-time Library Director was taking place. President Karis-Nix explained that the work being performed by Ms. Smith as interim-Library Director is in addition to her regular duties and responsibilities and, as such, a stipend would be appropriate. A stipend of $500.00 was discussed, to cover the twelve week period beginning on November 10, 2014.
Trustee Hans offered a motion, seconded by Trustee Harris, that the Board approve a stipend of $500.00 to be paid to Pamela Smith for the performance of her additional duties as interim-Library Director, commencing on or about November 10, 2014, and continuing for a twelve-week period of time, or until such time that a full-time Library Director is hired. Motion was approved unanimously.
Finance Committee: Trustee Hiser, as Treasurer of the Board, offered the Finance Committee report. The Board reviewed financial statements, including reconciliation details, from October and November. Trustee Hiser explained that the Library currently has six (6) months of reserve funds in its account. Trustee Hiser further explained that the revenue allocation from the Town would not be received until mid-February, 2015, and that the revenue allocation from the Village would not be received until mid-July, 2015.
Trustee Truesdell offered a motion, seconded by Trustee Hans, that the reconciliation details and financial statements for the months of October and November, 2015, be approved. Motion was approved unanimously.
The Board reviewed the proposed Library budget for the 2015 fiscal year. Trustee McKnight offered a motion, seconded by Trustee Truesdell, that the Board adopt the budget for the 2015 fiscal year. Motion was approved unanimously.
Operations/Capital Projects: Trustee Truesdell reported that the Library employees did a good job weeding the Library’s collection in the absence of a full-time Library Director. The Library annex was discussed, including the need for a policy to regulate the use and supervision of the annex.
Trustee Truesdell also reported on technology issues, including issues relating to the location of the computer server. Trustee Hans offered to review certain IT/technology issues on behalf of the Library.
Trustee Truesdell discussed the remaining furniture needed to complete the Library’s renovation, including a book drop. The Board agreed to table any further discussions on furniture until such time that actual costs were available.
New Business:
Personnel Policy/Handbook: President Karis-Nix reported that she will look into the issue of the Library’s personnel policy/handbook to determine what, if anything, was formally adopted by the Board relating to personnel issues.
Board Officers: the following slate of Trustees was put forth for Board Officer positions for the 2015 fiscal year:
Olivia Karis-Nix - President
Doreen Truesdell- Vice President
Janet Hiser - Treasurer
A vote on the Board Officer positions will take place at the Board’s January meeting.
Board Evaluations: Board evaluations are to be completed by each Trustee, anonymously, to determine how well the Board is functioning in the furtherance of its mission. Trustee Hiser will distribute blank evaluations to each Trustee via electronic mail.
2015 Meeting Schedule: The Board discussed dates for meetings for the 2015 fiscal year. The following dates were unanimously approved by the Board:
January 20, 2015
February 23, 2015
March 16, 2015
April 20, 2015
May 18, 2015
June 15, 2015
Payroll Account: Trustee Hiser discussed the benefits of the Board Treasurer having access to the Library payroll account currently maintained and operated by the Village and the Board agreed with her assessment. Trustee Hiser also proposed an arrangement whereby that the Village would perform payroll functions on behalf of the Library and thereafter invoice the Library to cover whatever payroll expenses had been incurred. The Board agreed that both issues raised by Trustee Hiser should be reduced to a written agreement/memorandum of understanding with the Village so as to effectuate these changes as soon as possible.
Executive Session: The Board adjourned into executive session at 8:50 p.m. to discuss the employment of a particular person for the Library Director position.
Adjournment: The Board returned from executive session at 8:50 p.m. President Karis-Nix offered a motion, seconded by Trustee Hans to adjourn the meeting. Motion was approved unanimously.