january_2013.pdf |
January 14, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 19, 2013
Meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. EST by Vice President Kehrer.
Trustees present:
Marge Kehrer, Don McKnight, Stacey Rattner, Faith Schottenfeld, Phyllis Tolbert, Doreen Truesdell
Trustees absent:
Mike Allard, Janet Hiser
Pledge of Allegiance
Adoption of Agenda
Under New Business it was added to discuss interest from Olivia T. Karis-Nix to be a
new trustee . Vice President Kehrer motioned to adopt the agenda. Treasurer
McKnight seconded, passed 6-0.
Public Comment Period I:
Secretary’s Report - Action Taken
The minutes from the December meeting were reviewed. Trustee Schottenfeld
motioned to approve the minutes. Trustee Truesdell seconded, passed 6-0.
Truesdell seconded
Monday, January 19, 2013
Meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. EST by Vice President Kehrer.
Trustees present:
Marge Kehrer, Don McKnight, Stacey Rattner, Faith Schottenfeld, Phyllis Tolbert, Doreen Truesdell
Trustees absent:
Mike Allard, Janet Hiser
Pledge of Allegiance
Adoption of Agenda
Under New Business it was added to discuss interest from Olivia T. Karis-Nix to be a
new trustee . Vice President Kehrer motioned to adopt the agenda. Treasurer
McKnight seconded, passed 6-0.
Public Comment Period I:
Secretary’s Report - Action Taken
The minutes from the December meeting were reviewed. Trustee Schottenfeld
motioned to approve the minutes. Trustee Truesdell seconded, passed 6-0.
Truesdell seconded
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer McKnight apologized that he was unable to do a complete reconciliation of
the accounts this month.
Bill Adams completed the financial review. All trustees received copies of his review.
According to his review, things appear to be in order. He recommended the Library
modify its system of depositing cash from doing it weekly instead of biweekly. He also
recommended getting a credit card for purchases rather than continuing to use the debit
card. His review will get filed for our own records. The total cost for his service was
$550. He will be available for questions and other clarifications. Since Quick Books is
the accounting system used already by the Village, it will make things easier for Village,
State and library to coordinate records now that the LIbrary has switched over to Quick
Books for its accounting program, after a recommendation from Mr. Adams.
Treasurer McKnight also shared that the Village is currently managing three accounts
for the library and that Pam Smith approached Director Peker about closing three of the
six accounts held by the Village. In the past, the Village held onto all of the accounts.
The library has its own account at Citizen’s Bank. If accounts from the Village were
closed, a decision will need to be made as to where the money should be transferred to.
The two trust fund accounts total $9683.26, with possibly an additional $1500 .
Treasurer McKnight made a motion that the Village close the two accounts and deposit
it into the money market account at Citizen’s Bank. Motion was seconded by Trustee
Tolbert, passed 6-0.
Director Peker shared that the Library’s fund balance was $158,639.02.
Vice President Kehrer maded a motion to approve treasurer’s report. Seconded by
Trustee Truesdell, passed 6-0.
Library Director’s Report
See attached.
The following was discussed:
Trustee Tolbert asked for clarification on the “Library Services and Usage: 2011 and
2012” handout. The current graph gives a snapshot from this year to last year. Director
Peker hopes to be able to compare trends from last year to years before 2011.
Circulation of materials is declining however patron visits are increasing. Trustees
offered suggestions on how to share the information differently for the February
The Director of the East Greenbush Library would like to have a meeting with the new
president and Peker to discuss how to secure money together with Nassau, East
Greenbush and Castleton from the Town of Schodack.
The Annual report will need to be submitted and approved before the next meeting.
Director Peker will share it with the Board before then.
The Director’s report shared a brief synopsis of all the workshops Director Peker
attended at the New York Library Association’s annual meeting in November in
Friends Report
Barbara Kelp represented the Friends.
Ms. Kelp thanked everyone who helped out at the Barnes and Noble book fair in
On Friday, January 25 the Friends is sponsoring a movie night, “Ice Age.”
The Applebees pancake breakfast is Saturday, February 9 from 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Tickets are $6. This is one of the biggest Friends fundraisers of the year.
Committee Reports
Personnel--Trustee Schottenfeld thanked everyone for completing the Director’s
evaluation. A summary document was prepared and shared with the Trustees. The
summary will now be shared with the Director and the in-person session to go over the
evaluation with the Director (and the President and committee members) will be
scheduled. Director Peker had approached the Personnel Committee about reviewing
civil service titles for staff. Trustee Schottenfeld will address this with Director Peker and
the Personnel Committee.
Policy--Trustee Truesdell summarized what the Policy Committee did at their meeting
last week. Most of that time was spent discussing the Internet Policy. Director Peker
informed the Board as to why it would be a good idea to modify the Policy. Included in
the new policy is that in order to use the library computers, adults will need to have a
library card in good standing and children will need a signed permission slip from their
parents. Director Peker will email the new policy to the entire board and it will be voted
on at the February meeting. The new policy is similar to other policies from libraries of
comparable size in the Upper Hudson Library System i.e., Altamont Library.
Operations/Capital Projects--Trustee Truesdell handed out an overview of the
Operations and Capital Projects Committee with suggestions for improving the library
with new mobile shelving, carpeting, computer work stations, furniture, electrical rewiring
and a new ceiling. Trustee Truesdell and Director Peker lead a discussion about
financing this project for approximately $50,000. Treasurer McKnight shared that the
Library holds a fund balance that might be able to finance the project. The Committee
will provide a detailed budget that will not include any other outside in-kind services or
funds. The Committee will add more details to the $50,000 budget for the project. The
Committee will bring the more itemized budget to the Board at the next meeting, as well
as more information about the project. It was just assumed that the project would have
to go through the bid process. However, it was unclear whether this was actually true or
not and will be clarified by the next meeting. It will only be after the next meeting that the
Committee will go to the Village to share the proposal for support and advice on how to
Old Business
Insurance Coverage Review--Director Peker will get a proposal from Mark Crawford,
an insurance agent with Marshall Sterling, and she will share it with the Board at the
next meeting. The current policy will be increasing and Mr. Crawford assured Director
Peker that he will be able to at least match or decrease what is already being paid. His
price will also include additional coverages.
New Business
Nominating Committee Discussion--The annual election of officers occurred.
Treasurer McKnight motioned Trustee Schottenfeld be president. Trustee Truesdell
seconded, passed 6-0.
Trustee Truesdell made a motion that Trustee McKnight be Vice President. Trustee
Tolbert seconded, passed 6-0.
Trustee McKnight motioned that Trustee Hiser be Treasurer. Trustee Tolbert seconded,
passed 6-0.
Trustee Schottenfeld motioned that Trustee Rattner be Secretary. Trustee Kehrer
seconded, passed 6-0.
Proposed 2013 Meeting Dates
February 25
March 18
April 15
May 20
June 17
July 15
September 16
October 21
November 18
December 16
New Trustee
Olivia T. Karis-Nix shared her interest in joining the Board.
As indicated in the bylaws, the president will write Mike Allard a letter indicating that he
will no longer be on the Board.
Public Comment II
Barbara Kelp is planning to attend the Library Legislative Day on March 5, 2013. She
encourages anyone who can to take the time to attend.
Executive Session
Motion to adjourn the meeting by Vice President Kehrer, seconded by Trustee
Schottenfeld. Passed 6-0. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 25 at 7:00 p.m. EST.
Respectfully submitted,
Stacey Rattner
Treasurer McKnight apologized that he was unable to do a complete reconciliation of
the accounts this month.
Bill Adams completed the financial review. All trustees received copies of his review.
According to his review, things appear to be in order. He recommended the Library
modify its system of depositing cash from doing it weekly instead of biweekly. He also
recommended getting a credit card for purchases rather than continuing to use the debit
card. His review will get filed for our own records. The total cost for his service was
$550. He will be available for questions and other clarifications. Since Quick Books is
the accounting system used already by the Village, it will make things easier for Village,
State and library to coordinate records now that the LIbrary has switched over to Quick
Books for its accounting program, after a recommendation from Mr. Adams.
Treasurer McKnight also shared that the Village is currently managing three accounts
for the library and that Pam Smith approached Director Peker about closing three of the
six accounts held by the Village. In the past, the Village held onto all of the accounts.
The library has its own account at Citizen’s Bank. If accounts from the Village were
closed, a decision will need to be made as to where the money should be transferred to.
The two trust fund accounts total $9683.26, with possibly an additional $1500 .
Treasurer McKnight made a motion that the Village close the two accounts and deposit
it into the money market account at Citizen’s Bank. Motion was seconded by Trustee
Tolbert, passed 6-0.
Director Peker shared that the Library’s fund balance was $158,639.02.
Vice President Kehrer maded a motion to approve treasurer’s report. Seconded by
Trustee Truesdell, passed 6-0.
Library Director’s Report
See attached.
The following was discussed:
Trustee Tolbert asked for clarification on the “Library Services and Usage: 2011 and
2012” handout. The current graph gives a snapshot from this year to last year. Director
Peker hopes to be able to compare trends from last year to years before 2011.
Circulation of materials is declining however patron visits are increasing. Trustees
offered suggestions on how to share the information differently for the February
The Director of the East Greenbush Library would like to have a meeting with the new
president and Peker to discuss how to secure money together with Nassau, East
Greenbush and Castleton from the Town of Schodack.
The Annual report will need to be submitted and approved before the next meeting.
Director Peker will share it with the Board before then.
The Director’s report shared a brief synopsis of all the workshops Director Peker
attended at the New York Library Association’s annual meeting in November in
Friends Report
Barbara Kelp represented the Friends.
Ms. Kelp thanked everyone who helped out at the Barnes and Noble book fair in
On Friday, January 25 the Friends is sponsoring a movie night, “Ice Age.”
The Applebees pancake breakfast is Saturday, February 9 from 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Tickets are $6. This is one of the biggest Friends fundraisers of the year.
Committee Reports
Personnel--Trustee Schottenfeld thanked everyone for completing the Director’s
evaluation. A summary document was prepared and shared with the Trustees. The
summary will now be shared with the Director and the in-person session to go over the
evaluation with the Director (and the President and committee members) will be
scheduled. Director Peker had approached the Personnel Committee about reviewing
civil service titles for staff. Trustee Schottenfeld will address this with Director Peker and
the Personnel Committee.
Policy--Trustee Truesdell summarized what the Policy Committee did at their meeting
last week. Most of that time was spent discussing the Internet Policy. Director Peker
informed the Board as to why it would be a good idea to modify the Policy. Included in
the new policy is that in order to use the library computers, adults will need to have a
library card in good standing and children will need a signed permission slip from their
parents. Director Peker will email the new policy to the entire board and it will be voted
on at the February meeting. The new policy is similar to other policies from libraries of
comparable size in the Upper Hudson Library System i.e., Altamont Library.
Operations/Capital Projects--Trustee Truesdell handed out an overview of the
Operations and Capital Projects Committee with suggestions for improving the library
with new mobile shelving, carpeting, computer work stations, furniture, electrical rewiring
and a new ceiling. Trustee Truesdell and Director Peker lead a discussion about
financing this project for approximately $50,000. Treasurer McKnight shared that the
Library holds a fund balance that might be able to finance the project. The Committee
will provide a detailed budget that will not include any other outside in-kind services or
funds. The Committee will add more details to the $50,000 budget for the project. The
Committee will bring the more itemized budget to the Board at the next meeting, as well
as more information about the project. It was just assumed that the project would have
to go through the bid process. However, it was unclear whether this was actually true or
not and will be clarified by the next meeting. It will only be after the next meeting that the
Committee will go to the Village to share the proposal for support and advice on how to
Old Business
Insurance Coverage Review--Director Peker will get a proposal from Mark Crawford,
an insurance agent with Marshall Sterling, and she will share it with the Board at the
next meeting. The current policy will be increasing and Mr. Crawford assured Director
Peker that he will be able to at least match or decrease what is already being paid. His
price will also include additional coverages.
New Business
Nominating Committee Discussion--The annual election of officers occurred.
Treasurer McKnight motioned Trustee Schottenfeld be president. Trustee Truesdell
seconded, passed 6-0.
Trustee Truesdell made a motion that Trustee McKnight be Vice President. Trustee
Tolbert seconded, passed 6-0.
Trustee McKnight motioned that Trustee Hiser be Treasurer. Trustee Tolbert seconded,
passed 6-0.
Trustee Schottenfeld motioned that Trustee Rattner be Secretary. Trustee Kehrer
seconded, passed 6-0.
Proposed 2013 Meeting Dates
February 25
March 18
April 15
May 20
June 17
July 15
September 16
October 21
November 18
December 16
New Trustee
Olivia T. Karis-Nix shared her interest in joining the Board.
As indicated in the bylaws, the president will write Mike Allard a letter indicating that he
will no longer be on the Board.
Public Comment II
Barbara Kelp is planning to attend the Library Legislative Day on March 5, 2013. She
encourages anyone who can to take the time to attend.
Executive Session
Motion to adjourn the meeting by Vice President Kehrer, seconded by Trustee
Schottenfeld. Passed 6-0. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 25 at 7:00 p.m. EST.
Respectfully submitted,
Stacey Rattner