Trustees present:
Janet Hiser, Olivia Karis-Nix, Don McKnight, Stacey Rattner, Faith Schottenfeld, Doreen Truesdell
Marge Kehrer
Adoption of Agenda
Director Peker will share the overview of the new website next month. Slate of officers
will be added to Old Business. President Schottenfeld moves to adopt the agenda.
Trustee Karis-Nix seconded. Approved 6-0.
Public Comment
Village Board Trustee Pratico has some prospective Board members for the Library. Mayor Keegan will be in touch with President Schottenfeld.
President's Report
President Schottenfeld has been invited to attend a meeting with Supervisor Dowds and representatives from Schodack Central School District. The meeting is scheduled tentatively for January.
Secretary's Report
Trustee Karis-Nix motioned to adopt the minutes with the approved changes. Trustee Truesdell seconded. Approved 6-0.
Director's Report
See attached. Additional highlights include:
- The new Librarian Trainee began work on December 9.
Barb Kelp reported.
- She thanked the Board for all their help at Barnes and Noble. She will have the final numbers by Tuesday night. It appears they doubled what they earned last year. The raffles will be drawn tomorrow night. This was a very successful event.
- February 8 is the Applebees fundraiser. Tickets will be $6 each.
- Administrative Committee- President Schottenfeld shared that a slate of officers was created at the October meeting. Trustee Truesdell expressed that an interest in being Vice President. Trustee Karis-Nix also expressed an interest in being President. The Nominating Committee will meet and make a slate of officers for the January meeting.
- Finance Committee/Treasurer's Report--Treasurer Hiser reviewed the Treasurer's report. Part of the recommendation from UHLS was that the financial transactions be signed by the Treasurer each month. Treasurer Hiser handed the signed forms to Director Peker during the meeting. Treasure Hiser and Director Peker created a draft of the Financial Policies. Please review and bring questions to the January meeting. Treasurer Hiser shared that we cannot issue any retroactive COLA or bonuses. There was a COLA increase given in 2012. No COLA increase was given in 2013. Treasurer Hiser recommends that we give the federal COLA increase (1.5%) to all staff and the director in 2014 effective January 1. Director Peker will notify Pam Smith from the Village about this change. Treasurer Hiser moved to authorize this increase for all staff. Trustee Truesdell seconded. Approved 6-0. Treasurer Hiser and Director Peker are working to tidy up the financial policies and procedures. President Schottenfeld shared that the staff expressed an interest in a Keurig machine. Treasurer Hiser moved to authorize the purchase a Keurig machine and a starter pack for staff, costing no more than $200. President Schottenfeld seconds. Approved 6-0. Trustee Truesdell will pick it up at Staples.
- Operations/Capital Projects--Trustee Karis-Nix reported that they had a committee meeting and things are beginning to move forward on the Capital Project. The inspection report came back but it is incomplete. The inspector will be returning to finish the inspection. Director Peker will follow up with Mayor Keegan about the Library's concerns about the inspection and share the proposed floor plan. Trustees Truesdell and Karis-Nix would like to be a part of a meeting between Mayor Keegan, Director Peker and the inspector. Trustee Karis-Nix will update the contract managers however, everything is still on hold until we hear back from the inspection.
Old Business
- Strategic Planning--The survey has been completed and Director Peker has the results to be shared with the Board at a later date. There were 150 responses from users (65%) and non-users (35%) of the library. The biggest challenges include lack of parking and traveling to other libraries. Following up on the Strategic Plan, we are looking to conduct focus groups in January and February. We are still looking to have a long range plan in draft form by April 2014. Vice President McKnight will come up with ideas on how and who will conduct the focus groups and solicit the participants. He will share more at the January meeting. Village Financial Partnership--Treasurer Hiser said that UHLS has strongly recommended that we, not the Village, continue to complete our own AUD. Village of Castleton Trustee Jennifer Pratico shared that Pam Smith is available to help out where we need her.
- School Board Feasibility Study--The School Board Feasibility Study was discussed. President Schottenfeld spoke with Supervisor Denis Dowds and he is very supportive of the three library collaborations (Castleton, East Greenbush and Nassau). There is a concern about how collaborating resources with the Schodack Central School District fits in with our Strategic Plan. It was agreed that some of us will be a part of an initial conversation about the feasibility study. President Schottenfeld will be in touch with Mr.Horan to share that Trustees Truesdell and Karis-Nix are willing to meet with representatives from the Schodack Central School District regarding this topic.
New Business
Judy Hadley won the Kindle Fire from the raffle for completing the survey.
Public Comment
Executive Session
President Schottenfeld made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. Treasurer Hiser seconded. Treasurer Hiser motioned to conclude executive session. Trustee Truesdell seconded. Approved 6-0.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
The next Board of Trustees meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 20 at 7:00 p.m. EST.
Respectfully submitted,
Stacey Rattner