Digital Resources
Digital Books, Audio, and Magazines

Libby - Libby (formerly known as OverDrive) hosts a great collection of ebooks and digital audiobooks, digital magazines, and streaming video. It's easier than ever to enjoy them on your phone, tablet, e-reader, or computer. All you need to get started is your library card!

Hoopla - Hoopla offers simultaneous use of more than 750,000 eBooks, digital audiobooks, comics, music albums, movies and TV! All items are available instantly on demand -- no waiting or needing to place a request! Please note that checkouts are limited to 5 per person, per month. Download the Hoopla app for your mobile device or visit to get started.

Project Gutenberg - Project Gutenberg is an online library of over 60,000 free eBooks and audiobooks. No library card needed! Choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online. You will find the world's great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired. Thousands of volunteers digitized and diligently proofread the eBooks, for enjoyment and education.

Planet eBook - Planet eBook offers over 80 free classic eBooks that can be downloaded to different devices! No library card required.

Internet Archive - Internet Archive offers free access to books, movies, software, and music for all ages. No library card required.
Language Learning

Duolingo - A fun, easy to use, self-paced language learning program with courses in 35 languages! No library card required.
Genealogy and History

New York Heritage - New York Heritage's digital collections provide consolidated access to historical, scholarly, and cultural materials that reflect New York State history. Several public libraries in Albany and Rensselaer counties have begun digitizing their local history resources to make them even more accessible. New York Heritage is an invaluable research portal for anyone interested in learning more about New York State.
Databases Provided by New York State Library
Access several online databases where you can find newspapers and research materials on many different subjects. Searching a database is a little different than using an Internet search engine like Google, and specific strategies for combining search terms may be necessary to get the best results. The reliability of the information you can find in a database is well worth the extra effort, so please contact our librarian if you have any questions.
These databases are available from home from anywhere in New York State. No library card is required. For more information, please visit NOVELNY.
These databases are available from home from anywhere in New York State. No library card is required. For more information, please visit NOVELNY.
Business and Finance

Business Insights: Essentials Includes company profiles, industry reports and financial reports, as well as business magazines and newspapers. (Supported by the NOVEL project)
General Reference/ School Oriented

Kid InfoBits Contains over 100 age-appropriate magazines for grades K-5. Also includes Merriam-Webster's Elementary Dictionary, maps, flags, seals, charts and graphs.
(Supported by the NOVEL project)
(Supported by the NOVEL project)

Opposing Viewpoints in Context Contains a range of perspectives on many important issues, with over 13,000 pro/con viewpoints. Includes a variety of resource types: reference, news, primary sources, multimedia and more.
(Supported by the NOVEL project)
(Supported by the NOVEL project)
Health and Medicine

Health Reference Center Academic This health database includes over 2800 journals and magazines, many of which are full text. It contains nursing and allied health journals, other medical journals, newsletters and consumer health magazines. (Supported by the NOVEL project)

Academic OneFile This database contains over 12,000 journals and reference sources, many of which are peer-reviewed and full text. It has extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and more. The database also contains some full text titles that are cited in databases such as AGRICOLA, CINAHL, EconLit, ERIC, MEDLINE, MLA International Bibliography, PsycINFO and others. (Supported by the NOVEL project)

General OneFile This general periodical database contains over 12,000 periodicals, newspapers, reference books and multimedia sources, over half of which are full text. The backfile extends nearly 30 years. Subjects include humanities, education, environmental issues, technology, health care, politics and more (Supported by the NOVEL project)

InfoTrac Newsstand This full-text newspaper database has several New York Newspapers including the New York Times from 1995 on, and over 1,000 major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers. (Supported by the NOVEL project)

Gannett Newsstand Complete Contains over 85 Gannett newspapers, 6 of which are New York newspapers. These include the Ithaca Journal, Poughkeepsie Journal, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, Journal News (White Plains), Press and Sun-Bulletin (Binghamton) and Star-Gazette (Elmira). (Supported by the NOVEL project)
Some databases are provided by the New York State Library. NOVEL is an online virtual library connecting New Yorkers to 21st century information via local libraries statewide. NOVEL is currently supported with temporary federal Library Services and Technology Act funds. New Century Libraries is an important statewide funding initiative currently before the Legislature that proposes permanent state funding for NOVEL.These databases are available to all 29 member libraries of the Upper Hudson Library System, through the generous support of its Central Library - the Albany Public Library.